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Member Q&A: Estimating costs for work in winter weather Members Ask, SEAA Answers. SEAA Member American Erection LLC, Pittsburgh, Pa., recently asked, "How can steel erectors accurately estimate costs for mobilizing and performing erection work during winter months? It's important to demonstrate how increased costs and decreased productivity may affect the proposal when estimating and bidding jobs that will take place during cold and inclement weather. Our research turned up three worthwhile reports on the topic. How to Calculate Winter Construction Inefficiency by Allen Douglas, EHow contributor, September 2014. Planning for Adverse Weather Conditions in Construction Projects, a slideshow presented by Chris Carson, PSP, CCM, Corporate Director of Project Controls for Alpha Corp., Dulles, Va. Alpha Corporation provides program and construction management, project controls, technology and engineering services in buildings, civil infrastructure, energy/utilities, and transportation markets. Factors Affecting Construction Labor Productivity, a White Paper by Intergraph, a global provider of engineering software, addresses 33 factors, including weather related issues.
Member Q&A: Estimating costs for work in winter weather
Members Ask, SEAA Answers. SEAA Member American Erection LLC, Pittsburgh, Pa., recently asked, "How can steel erectors accurately estimate costs for mobilizing and performing erection work during winter months?
It's important to demonstrate how increased costs and decreased productivity may affect the proposal when estimating and bidding jobs that will take place during cold and inclement weather.
Our research turned up three worthwhile reports on the topic. How to Calculate Winter Construction Inefficiency by Allen Douglas, EHow contributor, September 2014.
Planning for Adverse Weather Conditions in Construction Projects, a slideshow presented by Chris Carson, PSP, CCM, Corporate Director of Project Controls for Alpha Corp., Dulles, Va. Alpha Corporation provides program and construction management, project controls, technology and engineering services in buildings, civil infrastructure, energy/utilities, and transportation markets.
Factors Affecting Construction Labor Productivity, a White Paper by Intergraph, a global provider of engineering software, addresses 33 factors, including weather related issues.